KAUST Virtual Young Training Academy  



Induction &




The pre-program induction is a hallmark of all KAUST youth programs, and our virtual edition is no different. Designed to introduce students and their parents to the program, the intensive orientations set the stage for the summer and put students on track to progress. They learn about everything from how to navigate the learning platform and technology, to academic expectations and deliverables, to code of conduct and program terms and conditions. We start with the big picture – why and how KAUST is there for them – and get into the details of how to succeed on a daily basis.


The post-program convocation once again gathers all students and their parents to celebrate achievements over the summer and mark the 2020 graduation. Students hear from KAUST speakers, their peers, and other distinguished stakeholders; they share about their experiences and new outlooks after the program; and are conferred certificates of completion and other specialized awards. Though the end of the program, we consider this an early step in the new alumni’s lifelong relationship and engagement with KAUST.